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Trump administration calls for government IT to adopt cloud services

Pankaj Sharma
Trump administration calls for government IT to adopt cloud services

FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters in Washington, U.S., December 2, 2017.

The report said one unnamed cloud-based email provider has agreed to assist in keeping track of government spending on cloud-based email migration.

President Donald Trump in April signed an executive order creating a new technology council to overhaul the U.S. government’s information technology systems.

“Federal agencies must consolidate their IT investments and place more trust in services and infrastructure operated by others,” the report found.

Government agencies often pay dramatically different prices for the same IT item, the report said, sometimes three or four times as much.

A 2016 U.S. Government Accountability Office report estimated the U.S. government spends more than $80 billion on IT annually but said spending has fallen by $7.3 billion since 2010.

Pankaj Sharma
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