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After deliberately rolling out the new update to slow down the former iPhones, now Apple is going to provide the cheaper battery for the older iPhones. Apple apologized in a message “We know that some of you feel Apple has let you down. We apologize”.

Hitesh Mahawari
After deliberately rolling out the new update to slow down the former iPhones, now Apple is going to provide the cheaper battery for the older iPhones. Apple apologized in a message “We know that some of you feel Apple has let you down. We apologize”.

Now after clarifying the need of the new update, Apple is temporarily dropping down the prices for the batteries of the iPhone 6 and later versions to $29 from January, which will again get back to the original price of $79 in 2019.

Even though the iPhones are not known for their batteries, Apple is justifying the new update by saying that they want to improve the battery life of the older phones.

See Also: 10th case filed against Apple in France on Batterygate scandal, Slow iPhone to increase sale

Everyone is upset with the new software update which has deliberately slowed down the older iPhones, but the company is still saying that they have done this to improve the performance of the older phones.


Hitesh Mahawari
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