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How to setup and manage an ecommerce store

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How to setup and manage an ecommerce store

Fantacy is a Fancy Clone Multi-vendor Script from Appkodes which is used to set up a Multi-vendor ecommerce site instantly with extra-ordinary features. Fancy Clone is a place to explore trendy things, to collect all of the cool things you want, to obtain all updates on your favorite companies, brands and online/in-store shopping and to share your trendy collections. Appkodes periodically comes up with the noteworthy upgrades for their product. Likewise, This time Fantacy upgrade assures all first-time entrepreneurs to excel in the fancy industry every time. Because this time
Fantacy is loaded with swag like UI, daily deals, banner, product selfies, contact seller, feeds, #hashtags. This online marketplace script provides users a trendiest and enthralling socially oriented e-commerce shopping experience.

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