AI Products 

AWS Lambda: High-Tech Serverless Platform To Reduce Your App Development Cost

Alexey Porubay
AWS Lambda: High-Tech Serverless Platform To Reduce Your App Development Cost

AWS Lambda framework runs a programming code with response to specific events and then controls automatically computing resources necessary for its implementation.

Lambda runs code in a high-performance computing environment and it goes in for administrative support of all resources including operating systems and maintenance of servers.

Then Amazon decided to broaden the range of the programming languages to make its new tool more multifunctional.

The deployment costs depend on specific requirements and sometimes can be even higher or equal to prices for using other cloud platforms and AWS Lambda alternatives.

AWS Lambda security issues imply that here the necessity to arrange the encryption between API Gateway and Lambda function may arise.

In EC2 environment, updating resolv.conf file leads to displaying the IP of the server of the other account.

Alexey Porubay
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