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Reasons to Port or Convert iOS App to Android | HokuApps

Kay Parkar
Reasons to Port or Convert iOS App to Android | HokuApps

As per my analysis of the current mobile market, Android and iOS together is the biggest rivalry pair. Both iPhone and Android have amazing sales figures, accounting for 80 percent of the world’s profits from smartphones. While I won’t deny that I prefer to CONVERT IOS APP TO ANDROID I do acknowledge the fact that Android applications are more affordable and well suited to the needs of a large group of app users. Therefore, I shall try to give you an objective view of the situation, while letting you take the final call. There are several parameters on which I have compared these two platforms and here goes a comprehensive checklist of the pros and cons of both:

Security and Ease of Use: Voting iOS app over Android

While iPhone is not exactly impregnable, as no smartphone is, it is way more secure than Android applications. As per some recent security reports that I reviewed, far more malware is written for Android devices than for iPhones and Windows mobile. Androids are an easy target for being an open platform, and 97% of all mobile malware is designed to attack them. On the other hand, I find iOS to be more enjoyable and easy to use than Android. Also, I have seen that iPhone has a more loyal user base. People, who use iOS, like to stick to it for its user-friendliness.

Kay Parkar
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