There are various precautions you may take but detecting it at an early stage and then resolving it, is the best way to go.
If you are a user or even an administrator then your life is not that easy every time.
The only way is to understand reasons, causes, precautions you may take and the solutions that can help you resolving SQL database page level corruption.
Reasons Of SQL Server Page Level Corruption
SQL database stores its data in pages so the basic unit of storage is a page in SQL database server.
Because it is simple and quite easy to fix SQL database corruption issues by repairing individual pages.

SQL Database MDF or NDF files can be corrupted due to several reasons like virus attack, hardware failure or software malfunctioning. Even with having large number of programs for SQL database restoration, SQL Database Recovery software has something different that you cannot find in any other software and that is important for you. If you restore SQL Database manually, it will take more time and it is very complex method to go. Hence, choosing SQL Database Repair is a best bet for recovery and repair of SQL Database files in a hassle free and easy way. Even a non-tech user can use this software as its GUI is very much user-friendly. Next best part of this tool is that you can recover and restore all the corrupt database files, despite the scenario. There is no need to investigate root cause of corruption. Company offering Free trial version of SQL Database Recovery software, Free version is integrated with full features rather than to save recover data. Website Link - http://www.recoverfilesdownload.com/sql-database-recovery.html

If you follow the do’s and don’ts then there are very rare chances that your SQL server ever becomes corrupted.
If by any chance your database file gets corrupted, you can easily restore it from the backups.
You just have to define the time intervals and the job will be done automatically.
You must create scripts to identify queries of the slow running of the Database.
Also see that no one is still connected to the server.
Ultimately it will increase your problem and leads to severe corruption of the SQL database.

If application works with a database, query execution time should be taken into consideration.
But I decided to share my own experience in the field with the focus on SQL Server query optimization tips.
Depending on a specific case, this task can have varying starting conditions:
You already know what query runs slowly;
You only know that your entire system has generally poor performance that requires some tuning.
You can run SQL Server Profiler from SQL Server Management Studio: go to Tools > SQL Server Profiler