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Which UI Design Trends Will Remain in Focus in 2018

Solwin Infotech
Which UI Design Trends Will Remain in Focus in 2018

It is certain that the year 2018 will bring new challenges and opportunities for the UI design industry.

In the current age of machine learning, VR or VUI (Voice User Interface), and AR, we can expect the following trends to become more popular in 2018 and beyond.

A few of these trends are already in practice as the designers have started putting their efforts in making the user experience more lifelike and personalized since the year 2016. Pokémon Go is an epitome of such efforts.

All these trends indicate the fact that the lifeless experience will no longer prevail as the user passes through the paradigm shift from seeing to experiencing things.

Let us go through these top seven UI design trends:

Solwin Infotech
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