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Website creation for Restaurant and Cafes

Anaïs De Séverac
Website creation for Restaurant and Cafes

Offline might be a good starting point for catching customers, but we live in the 21st century, where everyone has at least 2 of the gadget, and both connected to the Internet.

Yelp, Facebook and Instagram pages very helpful restaurant.

For example, if you have 1000 subscribers which grew organically, in the best case, only 80 of them will see your post.

According to statistics from Business Insider, 83% of visitors of restaurants and cafes looking for information about them on the Internet.

"Japanese restaurant in California", "Sushi bars in London" - Statista shows that such requests full their search.

What is the difference of website for $600, $4000 and $12000?

Anaïs De Séverac
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