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Rolls-Royce Cullinan teased before official reveal

Daniel Gibson
Rolls-Royce Cullinan teased before official reveal

The Cullinan will be revealed in all its glory on May 10, 2018.

Ahead of global digital reveal of the Cullinan, Rolls-Royce has shown the first undisguised facet of its first high-riding vehicle.

Going by the D-shaped tail lamp in the teaser, it is confirmed that the Cullinan will stick to Rolls-Royce’s unmistakable design language.

Named after the Cullinan Diamond - the largest flawless diamond ever discovered - the upcoming SUV will be underpinned by the British company’s new proprietary aluminium platform, dubbed Architecture of Luxury.

The Cullinan will likely be powered by a 6.75-litre twin-turbo V12 petrol engine - which is also found on the new Phantom - but power and torque figures may vary.

Being an SUV, the Cullinan will also be capable enough conquer rough terrains, unlike any Rolls from the past.

Daniel Gibson
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