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Articulating The Return On Investment (ROI) of e-Signatures and e-Transactions

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Articulating The Return On Investment (ROI) of e-Signatures and e-Transactions

Reason being, key decision makers in any organization, need more than just intuition to make crucial decisions when it comes to embracing a new way of doing things.

It is obvious; a lot of uncertainties may arise when trying to establish the Return on Investment (ROI) of adopting the esign technology.

Usually, when much time is spent collecting signatures and doing follow-ups, potential clients are lost to more responsive competitors who can provide a faster process.

It’s apparent; manually processing office paperwork leads to errors which add costs and creates inefficiencies.

Using electronic methods to sign documents online provides stronger evidence compared to typical paper-and-pen processes; and more remarkably, it has been proven to minimize the risk of legal and financial disputes.

And secondly, electronically signed documents provide full audit trails with timestamps which can be exceptionally helpful in satisfying inquiring regulators.

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