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5 Non-coding Skills every Web Designer must have

adeniyi badmus
5 Non-coding Skills every Web Designer must have

5 Non-coding Skills every Web Designer must have-I thought Web Design was all about Coding?

Obviously, HTML Code is important to Web Design, if you want to do it correctly and you want full control over things.

You got things like Wix, You got things like Adobe Muse.

I think you should be able to understand what branding guidelines are and utilize those, if they are presented to you, so that you’re matching the colors appropriately.

That’s why most of the social networks actually have gender-neutral colors and tone palettes because they want to have that even balance.

It’s going to play a role in how information and how the buying process works, or whatever the website is designed to do, it’s going to be very important that the Layout Design of that is cohesive, and that it is well thought-out and it’s meticulous.

adeniyi badmus
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