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Interview with Krunal Vyas, iQlance Solutions – Good Firms

Krunal Vyas
Interview with Krunal Vyas, iQlance Solutions – Good Firms

IQlance – one of the leading web and mobile application development company in Canada which promises to deliver bespoke solution was epitomized in GoodFirms with embellishing reviews and stars for its mobile app development service by their clients from across the globe. Krunal Vyas, the CEO of the company has put more focus on how mobile apps, web development, custom software solutions and game mobile app development helped their customer to generate ROI and reach out their target audience.

Krunal further talks about his inspiration in developing an innovative and meaningful solution with the help of technology and meeting the client’s expectation while also delivering state-of-art solution by strictly adhering to the deadline. He describes about the business model at iQlance that has made possible for the company to work with the top brands across the globe. The company is involved in diverse services that includes mobile app development, web development, enterprise solutions, game development, emerging technologies, digital marketing and the list goes on…

iQlance has the veteran team in Canada who makes sure to consider your requirements before building a solution. The team covers product development cycle from system analysis, wireframe to design, code implementation, quality assurance and launch and makes sure that there is zero tolerance error. Krunal believes that, his business model is successful of course due to its team, capability, domain knowledge and presence of iQlance in Canada, NYC and California.


Original post : GoodFirms.co


The text above is a summary, you can read full interview Here.
Krunal Vyas
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