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India Paint Industry Size, Analysis, Forecast 2022

Saniya Franknraf
India Paint Industry Size, Analysis, Forecast 2022


According to the latest report published by the Frank n Raf Market Research Company, it is define that the Besides, creating a strong competitive market, where players are utilizing different strategies to tap the growing demand in the market for a larger share. Moreover, rise in disposable income of the average middle class coupled with increasing investment on education; urbanization; development of the rural market; and various launches of many innovative products, like friendly, odour free, and dust & water resistant paints, are major drivers that are propelling the growth of the paint market in India.

The report explains India Paint Industry Research, Size, Forecast provides research of Indian paints industry by value and volume, which is estimated to grow at a CAGR of around 12% during 2016-17 to 2021-22 in value terms. The reports provide an in-depth detailed insight on the Indian decorative and industrial paint segment. Our research is an outcome of extensive primary & secondary research, where industry trends are being identified. For the study, we have analysed industry expert insights from paint manufacturers, regional dealers and raw material suppliers, in order to build our macro and micro level understanding of the overall market and to explore opportunity in the prevailing market.


Request a free sample copy of the India Paint Industry Market Research Report@ https://franknraf.com/reports/india-paint-industry-outlook-2022/

As per the report finding, decorative paints has the maximum demand. Thus in the report a thorough study has been done on this segment, which has been segmented by application, by product class, by technology, by demand, by composition, by region and by tier cities. Our research also depicts key trends and drivers of the industry. Moreover, the report also includes business overview of key industry players, such as Asian Paints, Kansai Nerolac, Berger Paints, Akzo Nobel and Shalimar, along with comprehensive outlook of the sector's present and future scenario. Overall, the report is a result of extensive research and prudent analysis that will be offering suitable knowledge base to those who are interested in this industry.

To know complete details regarding India Paint Industry

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List of companies and leading industry players and the opportunities and threats faced by them.

  • Future market from 2017 to 2022
  • Market size
  • Important factors
  • Challenges in market growth

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Frank n Raf Market Research.

Saniya Franknraf
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