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How to Migrate SharePoint 2010 to Office 365

Harvey Specter
How to Migrate SharePoint 2010 to Office 365

Fortunately, the migration from SharePoint 2010 isn’t a hard one as far as technical features are considered.

What you have to look out for, other than in the list specified in the URL earlier are things like Customizations through code, Workflows and Content Editor Web Parts that have content they weren’t intended to. Normally HTML, CSS and JavaScript can be found and it basically does not play well after the migration.

Another important thing to mention is that the design you developed in SharePoint 2010 is a bit difficult to be migrated to Office 365. However, with our previous migration experience, we can assure you a successful migration of SharePoint 2010 to Office 365.

Contact our team of experts to schedule a meeting and avail the benefits of SharePoint Migration.

Harvey Specter
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