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Native vs. Hybrid App Development: Which Approach to Choose in 2018?

Alexey Porubay
Native vs. Hybrid App Development: Which Approach to Choose in 2018?

Just like any other business task, the development of a mobile application is all about making informed decisions.

Being a stakeholder, you should consider numerous factors to create a powerful and cost-effective solution.

In this article, we talk about pros and cons of native apps vs. hybrid apps and try to find out which development method is more suitable for your case.

Diving deeper into technical peculiarities we should mention that native apps are built with programming languages that are officially supported by the platform.

However, hybrid apps leverage cross-platform capabilities and use one code base to cover multiple platforms on the contrary to native applications.

This way, the capabilities of these applications may be limited because of the necessity to engage third-party tools to access certain features.

Alexey Porubay
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