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7 Common Mistakes in SharePoint and How to Stay Away from them?

Harvey Specter
7 Common Mistakes in SharePoint and How to Stay Away from them?

Although this is a quite attractive part of the story, this wide range of features may perhaps be confusing for the end users if they are not configured optimally.

There are a lot of experience in implementing SharePoint for various clients; likewise the chance of committing mistakes too.

As we all know, SharePoint solutio were initially developed as a tool for Content Management.

Organizations might have terabytes of data and structuring them in a meaningful way is often overlooked and implemented gravely.

Some tips to organize your content effectively are:

– Structuring the content by author

Harvey Specter
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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