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3 Streetwear Instagram Influencers Powering Marketing Efforts

Andrew Bull
3 Streetwear Instagram Influencers Powering Marketing Efforts

Want to bridge the gap between Instagram posting and sales?

You and me both!

If you're tired of staring at poor results on your Instagram Analytics page, now could be the time to rethink your marketing funnel.

How about getting some powerul Instagram influencers on board — people who hold sway over large audiences, people who can get your tills ringing!

Here's five specialist streetwear influencers your should consider working with when promoting your streetwear brand — or any brand that needs to reach this cool tribe.

1) Stavros Karelis

Stavros has been getting attention from the fashion crowd for a quite while now. He is the founder of fashion concept shop called Machine-A.

2) Gareth Skewis

If you need someone with an authentic background in skateboarding and streetwear — Gareth's your man! He's one of the owners of Slam City Stakes.


Cea.Ra's tomboy style and attitude have earned her a place in the male-dominated streetwear scene. She's already partnered with major brand and not afraid to mix up her styles.


The text above is an abridged summary, you can read the full article here.

Andrew Bull
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