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Mobile App Development Mistakes to Avoid

Karl Parker
Mobile App Development Mistakes to Avoid

Mobile application development is a vast market that enjoys patronage from different industries. It has spiked in recent years and this is due to the huge demand by consumers. However, there has been mixed responses to some of the recently developed apps with people saying that there is no use for them or they don't serve a purpose. There are certain pitfalls to the process of mobile application development and some of the things to look out for include:


Being ambiguous on device support and OS

Ambiguity is to be avoided. If you turn in a proposal that is not detailed, your prospective client might be disinterested in the whole app development process as a result. If you neglect to mention a certain thing in your initial app development brief, then it will be up to you to fix it should anything come up. It is important that your app development contract states the version of the device and its OS support. Set the clear estimate of the app development cost and make sure you break everything down appropriately by considering the version, device, and operating system.


Starting Development without a Formal Change Request Process

It is to be expected that during the process, the client would make a few changes. Ensure that you do not stray too far from the envisaged timeline for the app development schedule.

Make sure that you incorporate a change request process that gives you the flexibility to effect changes on the app development schedule. However, be sure to tell them that making changes will automatically increase the development time and cost.


Falling into the "reusing old code" trap

iPhone application development involves a lot of coding. If your company is an old hand in the android or iPhone development market, then it is only safe to assume that you must have some old codes lying around. It is quite tempting to reuse these codes for your new app development efforts but don't. It might save you money and time but if it has not been specifically designed to be reused, don't use it else you will only undermine the entire process.


The final thing you should consider is hiring the right developer. Why? the reason is quite simple. The success and failure of your idea depends on it. In the past I have seen the great ideas turned into crap app and vice versa. Quick tip before you hire an app developer ask them about the past experience in your niche.


The article highlights the mistakes to avoid while creating a mobile app for your business. Mobile app are the next big thing for your business and while making a decision to include apps as a part of marketing mix. You should focus on hiring top mobile app developers with experience in your niche.

Karl Parker
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