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Unsecured Business Loans

Funding Easily
Unsecured Business Loans

There are various ways of obtaining unsecured business funding and these are related to speed financial institution that the applicant has applied to. When applying to the bank, the process is neither quick nor easy, and this is because banks have a lot of criteria to be met. Banks are not very interested in providing funding to small businesses anyway, because small businesses are considered to be a high risk investment for banks.

As a private lender, Funding Easily does provide best unsecured business loans to small businesses easily, and with little complication. The reason we are able to do this is because, our qualification criteria are very different to those of banks.

Our qualification criteria to apply for a fast unsecured business loans are as mentioned here; the business should be at least 12 months old and a running business to qualify. The owner of the business should not be in any form of active bankruptcy at the time of the loan application. Finally, the overall gross income of the business in a calendar month should be at least $10 thousand.

In addition to this we do not require excellent credit scores, as our method of qualification is completely different from those of banks. While banks base their funding on the credit scores, and will often reject applications whose credit scores are not high enough, near about 700 or over.

Also we do not require collateral and security as banks do to secure the money they are lending. We are aware of the fact that most small business owners find it hard to come up with any form of collateral or security, and as a result don’t require it.

For more information on how you can get unsecured business loans bad credit contact us, our funding team will provide you with the information you require. On the other hand you can click on the ‘get started’ tab and fill in the simple application form that we have provided on our site.  

Funding Easily
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