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B2C e-commerce Market Overview | Sales, Cost, & Capacity Till 2025

anjali varma
B2C e-commerce Market Overview | Sales, Cost, & Capacity Till 2025

Global B2C e-commerce Market is expected to reach USD 7,724.8 billion by 2025. The market is estimated to grow at a significant CAGR of 11.7% over the future period as the scope and its applications are rising enormously across the globe.

Rising broadband wireless connections, rising advantages like growing suitability of shopping and time management, and growing number of smartphone users are documented as major factors of B2C e-commerce Market that are estimated to enhance the growth in the years to come.

The B2C e-commerce Market is segmented based on product type, device type, application, and region. Food and beverages; apparel, footwear, and accessories; publications; consumer electronics and electrical; infant’s and mother’s products; and beauty and personal care products that could be explored in B2C e-commerce in the forecast period.

anjali varma
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