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john miller

Yahoo is considered one of the best web service provider in the world. Yet you may come across problems like Error 550 Mailbox Unavailable.  Error 550 refers to the SMTP error codes due to which outgoing emails of a user cannot deliver to the recipient. If you are getting Error 550 Mailbox Unavailable or any similar Error 5xx in your Yahoo Mail account, then it is better not to send email flagged with a 550 or other 5xx error code. Here are some possible causes of occurring this problem.

  • If you have tried to send emails to an invalid email address.
  • If your IP address is listed on a Block list of Spamhaus.
  • Failing authentication checks of your email against the sending Domain’s DKIM or Domain Keys policy.
  • Declination of your SMTP connection.
  • The content of your email may be restricted as per Yahoo policy. It results in failure of message sending.

How to take corrective actions and fix the error 550

To deal in and fix the Error 550 Mailbox Unavailable, you must be an administrator of the server. Only administrators are authorized to fix this error. If the error appears constantly for more than 48 hours then you must understand that have already given enough time to get the error fixed. Now it is time to carry out the corrective measure while sending email through your Yahoo Mail account. Here are some of the measures you can follow.

  • Having the policy to remove email addresses that result in errors or get bounced.
  • Making it sure that you have a good reputation for email sending. As based on your sending reputation, Yahoo reviews IPs submitted for delivery issues and accordingly they may alter your status in their system.
  • Fill a new sender application to discuss your issues.
  • Sometimes, despite having a good sending reputation, your email can be voted as a spam, and which in turn can ruin your reputation to result in this error.
  • Making it sure that your email server is not abusing by the spammers.
  • In case you are using a shared IP address and sending emails from other domains, then also your   IP sending reputation may be marked negative.
  • For objectionable content or practices, do make it sure to consider following while reviewing your outgoing emails:
  • IP address reputation
  • URL reputation
  • Sender reputation
  • Domain reputation
  • DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signatures.
  • Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) authentication.

How to improve your Sender Reputation

To build a good sender reputation you may consider following measures and avoid errors.

  • Following the best practices for sending bulk emails.
  • Applying for new sender status if you are a bulk email provider.
  • To know about sending limits in Yahoo Mail (on the official website).
  • Reviewing the SMTP error table (on the official website).
  • Making sure your emails meet industry authentication standards.
  • Reviewing Yahoo terms for information on policies and follow them

Try to connect with Yahoo Customer Service Number +1 844-444-4174
for more help with your Yahoo AT&T email, contact our technical support experts to short out and resolve your query in better ways.

Source Url: http://www.aolmailsupportphonenumber.com/how-to-fix-error-code-550-mailbox-unavailable-in-yahoo/

john miller
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