Now a days qtp program used in all top mnc companies so who confused in choosing carrer. qtp is best way to start. Our training center provided basic to advanced level aws,java, c++,c+ certification program in chennai that are both online and class room and the end of the course we arrange placement oppurtunity.

Selenium a Web based automation tool that automates anything and everything available on a Web page.
Initially started by Thoughtworks and currently Google developers are supporting the latest version i.e.
Testleaf best selenium training institute in chennai offers selenium online training, hp loadrunner training, appium training, automation testing training, QTP training chennai in weekdays and weekend.

Looking for Internship Training in Chennai?
1 crore projects is the best free ipt training in Chennai provides training with certificates for fresh candidates.

Chennai's Best Solidworks authorized training centre with flexible course fee and CADD SCHOOL institute conducts solidworks training with certification.

If you are inspired to do training on Selenium, the FITA is the most trustworthy Institute that offers the best Selenium Training in Chennai, Selenium Training in Bangalore and Selenium Online Training.