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How to get a medical marijuana card in California in 2018?

OnlineMedicalCard - 420 Evaluations
How to get a medical marijuana card in California in 2018?

Marijuana legalization is opening doors for different types of consumers.

Therefore, usually these questions pop up in their minds.

Also, Read- Jojo’s Act- California Assembly in Favor of Medical Marijuana Use in Schools

AUMA: Adult Use of Marijuana Act Under this law, any person over 21 years of age has access to cannabis.

However, it is limited to only one-ounce marijuana or 8 grams of concentrated cannabis.

PROPOSITION 215- The California Compassionate Use ActUnder this law, patients or their caregivers can possess or cultivate marijuana for their personal medical use after the 4220 evaluations by the CA certified cannabis specialists.

OnlineMedicalCard - 420 Evaluations
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