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What is the Health Benefits of Turmeric?

Syed tutul
What is the Health Benefits of Turmeric?

An irreplaceable ingredient of Indian curry, turmeric is more than an aromatic spice, as it helps take care of the heart, liver, and joints, and represents a promising hope in the fight against cancer. Do you want to know what is the best way to take turmeric? Keep reading.

Turmeric is undoubtedly one of the most prized spices in Asia. Indispensable spice of Indian cuisine, a central ingredient of curry, the prodigious mixture of spices that aromatizes so many and many foods of oriental cuisine. It has an intense flavor, something bitter, spicy -which reminds some of mustard-, and a golden yellow color that makes it a perfectly identifiable condiment.

Turmeric in India is intimately linked to various rituals of deep social roots. It is considered a symbol of health and prosperity, as well as a physical and spiritual purifier. In the Hindu tradition, it is customary, especially in women, to wear a red, black, or golden circle on their foreheads, as a symbol of virtuosity, purity, and religious observance, as well as worship of the Divine Shakti. , the primordial energy of the Universe. These symbols, which represent the third eye, are known as bindi in the case of women, and tilaka or tikka in the case of men, and in many cases use turmeric, sandalwood, coal or clay powders, to dye color the ashes.

Turmeric Benefits for Health

Turmeric has been revealed as a prodigious plant, which behaves like a general balm on our health, acting from different fronts. It has been attributed to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, choleretic, digestive, carminative, hepatoprotective, lipid-lowering, hepatic detoxifying, anti-ulcer, cardioprotective and, in some sources, is also indicated as antitumor. Different organs and systems in our body including our skin can be beneficiaries of the possible treatments with turmeric.

The main indications of turmeric and its greatest health benefits are those that we expose you below:

  • To begin with, turmeric stands out as a digestive plant. It helps you to digest food well, relieves the sensation of indigestion and prevents the formation of gases.
  • Associated with astringent plants, it is useful in case of diarrhea caused by gastrointestinal inflammations, intoxications or allergies.
  • It has been indicated as a natural substitute for certain synthetic anti-ulcer drugs to relieve gastric and gastroduodenal ulcers. Turmeric impinges on the gastrointestinal mucosa and helps repair damaged tissue.
  • It acts as an anti-inflammatory for the digestive system, very recommended for gastritis and gastroenteritis, but also as support in the treatment of pancreatitis and irritable bowel.
  • Improves and stimulates the production of bile due to its high choleretic effect, and favors the metabolization of fats. Curcumin, which is not soluble in water, has a large lipophilic capacity -of absorption of fats-, which are metabolized without problems and excreted.
  • It is useful to help lose weight because of its ability to mobilize fats and metabolize them. Curcumin, assimilated in the diet, can limit the extension of fatty tissue, inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels or angiogenesis, and therefore it is included in weight loss therapies.
  • Restores the liver cells and exerts a protective action on the liver. It is indicated in case of mild hepatitis, and for the treatment of stones in the gallbladder.
  • It is attributed to a moderate lipid-lowering effect, which can help lower levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
  • Because of its antioxidant power and as an antiplatelet agent, turmeric, consumed on a regular basis, can prevent the onset of cardiac ailments, such as emboli and arteriosclerosis.
  • Curcumin and other active principles of turmeric offer protection against attack by free radicals, stop cell oxidation in vital organs such as the kidney, liver or heart.
  • The extracts of turmeric have been tested in antitumor treatments, to reduce the appearance of cancer cells in the skin, mouth, and intestines due to their antioxidant capacity. It has been used as a complement to chemotherapy, by enhancing the effectiveness of certain antitumor drugs. Several scientific studies have been published in this regard, and there is still a long way to explore.
  • In Ayurvedic practice, turmeric powders are diluted in hot water and applied in the form of gargles to relieve throat irritation, or in the form of a dense paste, to promote the healing of wounds and burns and insect bites.
Syed tutul
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