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Best webcams 2018: the top web cameras for your PC

Rohit Singh
Best webcams 2018: the top web cameras for your PC

From those with classical designs focused on AV quality to webcams with colorful and quirky designs, we’ve found the best webcam for every occasion.

So, if you want to buy the best webcam for video calling using Skype or Google Hangouts, look no further – the top 10 are on this very list.

It's game on for Logitech's newest webcam

Resolution: 1080p | Features: Background removal, Low-light correction, 720p/60fps video while streaming, Stereo audio, autofocus, auto light correction

Same design as the C920

Logitech's newest webcam, the Logitech G922 Pro Stream features the same classy design as the C920 before it, but it’s especially interesting for gamers this time around.

The text above is a summary, you can read full article here
Rohit Singh
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