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Unity 2017 New 2D Tools and Game Development Workflow

Ben Cryer
Unity 2017 New 2D Tools and Game Development Workflow

This course teaches the new 2d tools and features of Unity 2017, including the Tilemap and Timeline Editor tools.

These features are completely new to Unity and allow developers to develop 2d games quicker and more effectively.

The Tilemap Tool allows users to paint sprites onto a grid to facilitate rapid and more precise prototyping and 2d level design.

The Timeline Editor, powered by cinemachine, allows developers and animators to easily coordinate complex cutscenes by providing one timeline that can visually layout the animations of several game objects at once.

In this course, we will use these two core features of Unity 2017 to build a 2d platformer game level.

We will build a splash screen, animated cutscene, playable third person character, artificially intelligent enemies, in-game collectibles, and a 2d level.

Ben Cryer
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