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How to Build a Chat App Like WhatsApp for Android & iOS?

Alex Sam
How to Build a Chat App Like WhatsApp for Android & iOS?

“ The Success of every Chat App differs in the idiosyncratic functionalities it possesses.

The subtle not-so-good war among the chat app solution and product providers is always at the apex!

The messaging kit is proactively supported to add multiple features that effectively brings immense throttling power to your create your chat app for android/iOS from scratch.

The IM solution provides an absolute wrap of source code, Chat SDK and Messenger API’s for customization and also WebRTC enabled feature to build messaging chat application that offers illimitable video/voice calling features.

DataBase Storage: With a comparatively performing greenDAO Object Relation Mapping and MySQL are the database tools that collectively run the core functionality of Contus Fly’ chat application for Android.

Video/Voice Functionality: When it comes to want an Android chat app or create iOS Chat application, the messaging platform is equipped with WebRTC that provides seamless real-time communication using web browsers and mobile applications.

Alex Sam
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