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coding mobile phone useful

aina ruiz
coding mobile phone useful

The jammers have a wide range of applications, widely used in the armed forces of the prison’n have a wide range of applications.

I'm in favor of establishing a broadcast’n of cell phones cheap in the cárceles. The new Justice minister, François Bayrou, like other ministers of justice were presented as Christiane Taubira in 2015, reaction’ on Tuesday on BFMTV and RMC to the fen’meno of the teléphones m’vile in prison’re. Photos of supervisors published on social networks, detained filmáon a cell of a swimming pool or smoking cannabis ... The problem has been recurring for several&years, despite the attempts of the authorities to stop this prápractice.


inhibitor of mobile

Since 2002, the law allows the facility’n of jammers in the cárceles. Currently, 804 devices están available in the cárceles French, according to our information’re. Problem: the technologyíto is often obsolete in comparaci’n with the evolution’n teléphones m’vile. To improve and acquire a new generation’n of perturbing, the Ministry of Justice has provided three million euros. But with a condition’.


inhibitor of is&bathrooms;cell

The objective is to ensure that tétechniques implemented do not become ráquickly obsolete and, therefore, unnecessary, in the context of evolution’n the technology’gica permanent (new frequencies 5G, for example), explains the side of the Administration’n prison, to the time that indicates that the future service chosen dutyá to ensure the setting, maintenance, but especially the tracking of the developments in technology,’times.


inhibitor of gps

The n&number;number of teléphones seized in the cárceles continues to rise:

jammer portátil incorporated

confiscated 27,524 devices or chips in 2014, s&number;n the director of the Administration’n Prison (PA), Isabelle Gorce, recently audited by the commission’n research’re on the monitoring of the sectors and individual jihadists in the National Assembly almost three times más than in 2010. "If we talk about 27,000 computers portátiles seized, we're talking about 50,000 (in total fraudulently), 80,000 or even más," said a deputy of the UDI. Many devices peque&bath;os, in fact, are not detectable by p’rticos más common.


inhibitor wifi

Ms. Gorce said that there are now 628 jammers installed. But they are not "extremely effective", especially in front of the new 4G network.

With the outbreak of the encoder GPS of the threat jihadist, you should invest 3 billion euros (of a crédito total of 181 million allocated to the Ministry of Justice), for the a&bath;or 2017, jammers más sophisticated than currently deployed. . Devices design&bathrooms;ados by Thales is están currently testing on two institutions in the region’n París, and this model dutyíto be installed in all prisons in French, said Thursday the minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira. The experiment conducted in the Ile-de-France "seems to evidence", said the minister, on the sidelines of a trip to the path’n inter-regional services prison in Fresnes. Initially, a dozen of establishments dutyían to be equipped for 2015, you specify the services of the Place Vendome.


Inhibitor portátil

New type of jammer.


inhibitor of drones

The AP has launched a new type of jammer, supposedly más adapted to the world of the prison’re. In particular, it makes possible to encode the communications in áareas más restricted and más specsíatrophic, avoiding as’ the play’n of communications staff. Because if it is necessary to prevent the detainees from communicating out-of-control with the outside world, some incidents continueán to manage their criminal activities from their cells, the administrative services of the college’n should continue to function normally, and The supervisors do not have to see their own teléphones unusable: all of the difficulty is to obtain an interference intelligent of the frequencies used by the m’vile.


inhibitor of radar

inhibitor GSM

aina ruiz
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