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Artfully written College Entrance Essays can Gain the Selectors Attention

Jastin Busher
Artfully written College Entrance Essays can Gain the Selectors Attention

Gaining admission to reputed universities and colleges is no longer guaranteed by having high GMAT and SAT scores and impressive transcripts. You need to stand out from the rest of the applicants and be among the winning few from the thousands who apply. Your college admission essay plays a key role in this challenging task. You need to use all your essay writing skills to produce an essay that will reflect your beliefs, attitudes and portray you as an individual who will enrich the student body of the educational institution you are applying for.

While you may already realize how important that you write a good admission essay, the problem may be that this type of a personal essay is more difficult to write than other types of essays such as a critical essay or a health essay. This is because most of us are at a loss when we have to write about our own selves.

An admission essay should contain information that describes you as a person, and outlines strengths of your character. Your motivations for choosing the particular field of study as well as the educational institute being applied to should also be stated. You can talk about you life inspirations and of the milestones in your life in the essay. Insight in to role models who have shaped your values and outlook of life can also make the essay interesting. If you are not sure in your writing skills, just ask for dissertation help and keep calm.

Do not wander from the topic. Writing about your childhood is not something the admission board wants; they are more interested in the last 2 to 3 years of your life. Although, certain aspects of your early life can be written about if it pertains to the present. For example if you have always liked math and now want to study medicine, you can incorporate this in to your essay. You can analyze the reasons for your interest and how they were shaped from your upbringing.

An admission essay will usually be a short essay of approximately 500 words. So, you need to apply your short essay writing skills and make things concise. You can also explain any ambiguities in your transcripts such as why you may be having low marks for a particular subject which you are very strong in but because you could not submit a particular coursework on schedule due to some rigorous sports training camp. Such information will aid the selectors to make the right decisions without being misled by the grades in your transcripts.

Jastin Busher
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