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O, A level, JC, H1/H2 Maths Tuition Center in Singapore

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O, A level, JC, H1/H2 Maths Tuition Center in Singapore

Maths Specialist, Award winning maths tuition agency centre in Singapore.We specialise in O and A level maths tuition, which includes E/JC and H1, H2 Maths.

Visit here:- http://learningvoyage.com.sg/

Mr Andy Woo

Howdy individual guardians! I'm Andy, originator of Learning Voyage Education Center, at present seeking after Masters in Mathematics for Educators at the National Institute of Educators (NIE). Most guardians in the Kovan/Hougang territory know me as the "Fringe To Distinction" O and A Level Math Expert who was as of late granted 'Best In Maths Foundation Training' (Voted By Parents) by Parents' World Magazine! In the course of recent years, I have by and by trained in excess of 500 understudies and helped already marginal scorers utilize a restrained way to deal with shoot up to A1/A2s (and in the meantime build up an adoration for Math)… regardless of whether they were scoring E8s and F9s! Guardians have been moving toward me… getting some information about the 'mystery equation' that their kids can apply promptly to score better for their Maths exams… Introducing to you the

Our novel 'Attachment the-Gaps' Technique alters each exercise and learning chance to guarantee enhancement in our understudies' evaluations.

Greetings individual guardians! I'm Andy, organizer of Learning Voyage, right now seeking after Masters in Mathematics for Educators at the National Institute of Educators (NIE). In the course of recent years, I have by and by trained in excess of 500 understudies and helped already marginal scorers utilize a taught way to deal with shoot their scores up to A1/A2s (and in the meantime build up an affection for Math)… regardless of whether they were beforehand coming up short the subject, scoring E8s and F9s!

Eventually, my point is to expedite understudies an adventure to enable them to comprehend and manufacture better establishment in Math ideas, enable them to energize their certainty and teach an adoration for Maths! In the course of recent years as an instructor, guardians have been moving toward me… getting some information about the 'mystery equation' that their kids can apply promptly to score better for their Maths exams…

Presenting The 3-Step 'Fitting the– Gaps' Technique:

How Your Child Can Easily Jump To A1/A2 By

Topping Off His 'Insight Gaps'!

At Learning Voyage, we have made a 'Fitting the-Gaps' strategy that enables us to distinguish, center and fill in the current holes that has been making understudies battle in getting an "A1/A2" in Maths.

This 3-step demonstrated strategy is produced dependent on 10 years of mentoring experience* and 4 years spent in building up my very own tweaked instructing materials. What's more, I'll be uncovering this exceptional system in the 'Attachment the-Gaps' Trial Class to enable your tyke to anchor that 'An' in his up and coming O and A-level Maths papers! Before your youngster goes to the select (constrained time-just) preliminary class, here's an outline of what each progression is about in our 'Fitting the-Gaps' method:

A Journey of Excellence and Self-Discovery

A Mathematics-driven instructive focus helmed by Mr Andy Woo, who trusts that understudies from all foundations ought to be given sufficient and quality instructive help.

Understudies will be shown utilizing systems to suit their pace, and important materials which holds fast to GCE 'O' and 'A' level prospectuses. The point is to not just expedite the understudy a voyage to accomplish scholastic brilliance, yet additionally help to shape him/her into a mindful youthful grown-up who is prepared to go up against what the world brings to the table.


E: enquiries@learningvoyage.com.sg

T: 90056286

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