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Huawei breaks ground with an in screen selfies camera in its new device

Anurag Rathod
Huawei breaks ground with an in screen selfies camera in its new device

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas.

China, December 2018: The way technology has been on the rise in the recent few years is absolutely mesmerizing.

While Samsung was one of the first companies to bring the buzz about notch fewer cameras.

And bezel-less phone screens with their Galaxy A8s into the market, Huawei seems to have made the declaration of release before them.

Soon after this date was set, Samsung too made the announcement of its Galaxy A8s being released on the 10th of December.

It became quite the talk of the town, but Huawei teaser on a Chinese subway carriage seems to have taken all the limelight toward itself.

Anurag Rathod
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