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What is WPS PIN?

Michal Clark
What is WPS PIN?

WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It is a wireless interface security standard that tries to make links between a router and wireless devices quicker and easier. WPS works only for wireless networks that use an identification that is encrypted with the WPA Personal or WPA2 Personal security protocols. You can connect to the router's WiFi network with Wi-Fi Protected Setup or you can select the WiFi network.

To use WPS to connect to your WiFi network:

  • Make sure that your router is receiving power.
  • Check the WPS guidance for your computer or WiFi device.
  • Press the WPS button on your router.
  • Within two minutes, on your computer or WiFi device, press its WPS button or follow its instructions for WPS connections.
  • Your computer or WiFi device connects to the WiFi network.

WPS doesn't work on wireless networks that are using the deprecated WEP security, which can be cracked easily by any hacker with a basic set of tools and skills. In a standard setup, you can't connect a wireless device to a wireless network unless you know the network name and its password. Let's assume that you want to connect a device, like your smartphone, to your wireless network.

On your device, you must first select the network that you want to attach to and then enter its security password. Without performing both steps, you cannot connect to the WiFi network. You can find WPS help on lots of networking devices. WPS is a rather troubled wireless network security standard. While it can make your life simpler, it is also exposed to attacks, and it may be hard to use with some devices. Before you close this article, let us know if you have used WPS to attach your devices to the wireless network. Still you face any kind of issue you can directly call on our toll-free number.

Michal Clark
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