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4 Fundamental Stages in eLearning Course Development Process

Dariya Lopukhina
4 Fundamental Stages in eLearning Course Development Process

eLearning is becoming a profitable niche for starting an online business. Audiences who relied on traditional classrooms are now moving online in search of knowledge and training.

Developing an online course requires the following resources:

  • eLearning authoring tool - an eLearning software that supplies all the tools required to create and design a course.
  • eLearning platform - an online platform or marketplace that allows course creators to upload their courses and learners to access these courses.

If you are going to create your own eLearning course, you would be following four fundamental stages:

  1. Analysis.

  2. Design and development.

  3. Course evaluation and testing.

  4. Hosting

Dariya Lopukhina
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