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Rajasthan Board 10th Result 2019 | RBSE 10th Result 2019

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Rajasthan Board 10th Result 2019 | RBSE 10th Result 2019

Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (abbreviated BSER) is a board of education for school level study in the Indian state Rajasthan. RBSE is a state office of the Government of Rajasthan and has its headquarters in Ajmer. The Board is responsible for the development of secondary education in Rajasthan state. BSER was established in the year 1957 and developed under the Rajasthan Secondary Education Act 1957. Results of all exams managed by BSER every year can be accessed through the website Rajasthan State Exam. RBSE offers a full-fledged and rapid online database for the verification of old results of many examinations managed by BSER for the benefit of organizations for their respective purpose. Development of Secondary Education in Rajasthan part over 3, 42,239sq. km and in more than 6000 schools situated in 33 districts include in candidates for Secondary and Senior Secondary Exam. The Chairman is approved by the State Government.


The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (RBSE) was established in Jaipur on December 4, 1957, below the Rajasthan Secondary Education Act, 1957. It was moved to Ajmer in 1961. The RBSE has been developing Secondary Education in Rajasthan since then. More than 6000 schools situated in 32 districts are connected with it. The Rajasthan Secondary Education Board had managed the 10th class examinations for all the candidates studying their 10th standard in the state between March to April 2019. Approximately 8+ lakhs candidates had been looked for these examinations and delivered their exams successfully. From then the candidates are waiting for the results publication as this result will form the support to select their stream in their intermediate.

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