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How to Create a Social Media App

Aleksandra Bessalitskykh
How to Create a Social Media App

The number of social media apps continues to grow, though, they have already taken up a great part of our lives and the application market. In the whole world the usage of smartphone has increased, as a result, appeared the opportunities for social networks with more advanced features.

Nowadays a lot of entrepreneurs want to be a part of the prosperous market and consider building new social media platforms. If you belong to one of them, you are right to be reading this blog post. Here you will learn how to create a social media app.

Types of Social Media Apps 

To understand what niche you want to enter and what big competitors will be waiting for you there you should realise what categories all social media apps are divided into:

- Social network apps
- Media sharing networks
- Networks for consumer reviews
- Community and discussion forums
- Bookmarking and content curation networks
- Blogging and publishing platforms
- Interest-based networks
- Anonymous social networks

Current Social Media Trends

MVP Social Media App Development: All You Should Know

Let’s discuss all stages of app development

Best Practices of Social Network Design

After analyzing the market and having all the necessary materials for your own social network MVP then the first step is UX/UI design.

You should learn some basic requirements to your future product design, if you want to create a social media app that will look and feel nice and appealing.

All social media apps should stick to the following simple rules:

The above mentioned best practices are sure to help you find the happy medium between what you want your design to be and what it should be.

It is necessary to make designs for the full app version, to look at your project globally, plan possible interactions, and set a correct app architecture. As soon as your development team sees the complete picture, it becomes clear to them how to create a social media app you request.

Here you will find out all the details you need to know about the process of creating a social media app.

Aleksandra Bessalitskykh
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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