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Report explores the Blockchain Technology Market

sylvia decosta
Report explores the Blockchain Technology Market

Latest Research Report on “Blockchain Technology Market” Added by Analytical Research Cognizance which covers Market Overview, Future Economic Impact, Competition by Manufacturers, Supply (Production), & Consumption Analysis

The global market for Blockchain technology Market will expand at a CAGR of 42.8% to reach a revenue of USD 19.9 Bn by 2023.

Increasing applications in sectors like Banking and Financial Services, Healthcare, Supply Chain Management, Energy, Media, and Informatics, among others, will enable the growth of the Blockchain technology market.

Public, private and mixed are the different types of Blockchain technology, with the first reigning in terms of market dominance.

An abundance of forthcoming investments and benefits like smoother and transparent operations should be help negate the challenges posed by the lack of awareness and inadequate regulatory framework in the Blockchain market.

Giants like Microsoft Corporation, IBM, Accenture, and Deloitte are among those who provide Blockchain technology services.

sylvia decosta
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