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Complete Guide on Hair Loss with Finasteride Treatment

Raveen Paswan
Complete Guide on Hair Loss with Finasteride Treatment

Trichotillomania, where you pull out your hair yourself.

They will diagnose you and give you the solution or recommend to a dermatologist or a trichologist or endocrinologist if the reason is critical and related to hormonal imbalance.

How hair growth does happen

On the upper layer of skin, there are hair follicles that contain protein.

When a follicle goes under all these three stages then they will remain dormant for 3 months and again they continue with the three stages.

Alopecia Universalis: It is also the hair fall that occurs because of autoimmune disorder and this also results in the fall of hair in all the parts of the body like head, eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair.

Raveen Paswan
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