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Egypt Honey Market Demand 2018 | Revenue, Share, Size, Value, Business Developments, Key Players, Future Growth Strategies 2023

Pradeep Zende
Egypt Honey Market Demand 2018 | Revenue, Share, Size, Value, Business Developments, Key Players, Future Growth Strategies 2023

Honey is a prominent staple in various diets and cuisines around the world.

The multitude of benefits offered by honey have enabled its rapid penetration into different other sectors and applications easily.

Furthermore, it is also being extensively used in the cosmetic industry for its skin enhancement properties.

The market for honey in Egypt is foreseen to earn revenues worth USD 26.4 million, while growing at a CAGR of 5.10 percent approximately in the course of the forecast period from 2017 to 2023.

Manufacturers are also increasingly focusing on extraction of honey from various flowers to provide uniquely flavored honey to their consumers.

There are several beekeepers with small businesses in Egypt who are significantly invested in the development of the market.

Pradeep Zende
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