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Analysis on applicability of precast steel structure workshop building

amy loulou
Analysis on applicability of precast steel structure workshop building

The precast steel structure workshop building must meet the three functions of safety, applicability and durability (usually referred to as reliability), that is, the steel structure supplier can bear all kinds of functions which may occur in normal construction and normal use; Having good working performance in normal use; having sufficient durability under normal maintenance, etc. Steel structures or parts of steel structures that exceed a particular state may not meet a function specified in the design, This particular state is defined as the limit state of the function.

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There are two kinds of limit states, one is the limit state of carrying capacity of precast steel structure workshop building, The other is the normal use limit state of the precast steel workshop building. The former describes the various conditions in which the structure can no longer be used due to the loss of its safety function. The latter describes conditions in which the structure is difficult to use because it does not meet the requirements of serviceability or durability.

For the limit state of bearing capacity, more and more studies are carried out at home and abroad, which results in the international standard structure reflect more fully. In contrast, normal use limit state because of its complexity, the research work has not much progress. At present, domestic steel factories are all actively, step by step application of high-strength steel structure, so there are some components controlled by safety design possibilities to the applicability of control design.

amy loulou
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