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Qualifications for an ISO 27001 Internal Auditor

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Qualifications for an ISO 27001 Internal Auditor

One of the requirements of the ISO 27001 Certification is the realization of an internal audit of the standard.  The ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai standard does not set requirements that an internal auditor must meet to the carry out audit. But the ISO 27001 Standard clearly requires that the organization shall select auditors. How can a company select an auditor? If these requirements are not established, any person could audit an information security management system.

Foundations to be a productive auditor:

If an auditor is going to add value to a company by performing an internal audit, it is very highly and important recommended that he or she has adequate experience and demonstrable knowledge in information security management system.

  • What experience: ISO 27001 Certification is relatively young, it is difficult to find the internal auditors who have the more than five years of the demonstrable experience. It is requirements could be set based on the number of days spent performing internal audits of ISO 27001 Certification. For example, In ISO 27001 Certification a minimum of 5 to 10 days to be a lead auditor. In ISO 27001 Consultants in Australiais also recommended that an internal auditor have experience as a consultant implementing the ISO 27001 Certification standard.  It’s established that they have participated in a minimum of two to three implementation projects.
  • What knowledge: ISO 27001 Certification and information security is necessary. ISO 27001 Certification is knowledge can be obtained through training and courses. So, in this case, it is highly recommended that the auditor complete an information security management system lead auditor course, although it would also be desirable that they complete an information security management system implementer training course.

Selecting auditor:

We need to establish requirements that allow to the check that internal auditor has demonstrable experience in ISO 27001 Certification, which is basically composed of the PDCA cycle a series of information security controls. Some companies that establish a selection process for internal auditors, and in this case the companies asks the potential auditor to carry out a small test consisting of a series of questions.  In ISO 27001 Consultants Services in New Zealand is the organization also conducts an interview with the candidate to verify the veracity of his professional background and only if the candidate meets all the requirements and completes all the steps will he be eligible to conduct the internal audit.

Our advice, Go for it

Certvalue is one of the leading ISO 27001 Consultants services in Dammam to providing information security standards to all organizations. We are one of the well recognized firms with experts in every industry sector to implement the standard with 100% track record of success. You can write us at contact@certvalue.com or visit our official website at we are ISO Certification Consultant Companies in Saudi Arabia, Australia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, Afghanistan, and India. Certvalue and provide your contact details so that one of our certification expert shall contact you at the earliest to understand your requirements better and provide best available service at market.




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