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Corn-Based Plastics for Packaging Market: Global Industry Analysis 2012 – 2016 and Opportunity Assessment; 2017 – 2027

sandesh ilhe
Corn-Based Plastics for Packaging Market: Global Industry Analysis 2012 – 2016 and Opportunity Assessment; 2017 – 2027

Global corn-based plastics for Packaging market: Introduction

Corn-based plastics are primarily a biodegradable group of polymers that can be manufactured from renewable resources.

One of the key factors positively influencing preference for corn-based plastics is that they are 100% biodegradable, which results in less pollution.

Another important property possessed by corn-based plastics is that they are carbon neutral which results in reducing the number of greenhouse gases significantly.

Amidst rising concerns regarding the pollution caused by the usage of conventional plastics, corn-based plastics have been widely regarded as an appropriate alternative.

Global corn-based plastics for Packaging market: Segmentation

sandesh ilhe
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