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Netgear WiFi Extender Setup: Always keep you Connected

Hales kinn
Netgear WiFi Extender Setup: Always keep you Connected


The range extender comes along with an extra vast feature that can detect the dead zones in your house or area and turn them into live zone. It also notifies you when the third party device or network creates interference and messes with your devices and network. All these can become a big disaster in the field of your Internet speed. Where your router failed to detect any radiation of bad spots of network connectivity, the extender works the exactly opposite for you. Netgear WiFi Range Extender Setup easily gets connected with your router of any brand and also doubles the speed of your existing network for sure.

So what can you do to get the above given features?

  • First of all take care of the extender and plug it nearby your existing router into a good power supply wall socket. The thing to keep in mind is, you are not allowed to exceed the limit of 20 feet. If you do so, you will never make a successful https://mywifiexte.net Setup.

  • As you plugged in both of your devices, wait till the power lights on extender and the router starts blinking. But you can’t proceed until they are stable.

  • Once they are stable, take the help of an Ethernet cable and connect both of your devices with each other properly. Here, you need two cables. Connect the second cable to your PC or laptop with its edge to range extender.

  • Now, you can see the stable green lights (LEDs) on both of your devices.

If you are not, try any one of these.

  1. Keep absolutely still with the WPS button for 20 seconds, after that release it.


  1. With the help of a paper clip or a pen, press and hold the factory reset hole for 30-40 seconds (you can find this at the back of your device). Once done release it. In the gap of 1-2 minutes you can apply the above given process to your router.

Now, you can take the support of your wired device (computer or a laptop) by launching a web browser Google Chrome into it. Once you have successfully opened it, type mywifiext on the very top of the address bar. If you are unable to login, try using another web browser (Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer) and retype the URL again. But be careful in typing the web address because in hurry you may miss or over type the URL.

Netgear Genie Setup: The WiFi Booster

A successful process of mywifiext.net will take you to Netgear Genie Setup page. A page when displayed will ask for you nothing but just the two login credentials to fill in the required filed for security reason. Fill by default the username and password. If you don’t have, start searching for them in your manual steps that came along with your range extender. In case you still not find those default details, go for your IT technician or Internet Service provider and have a word with him regarding the same. He will definitely help you out with that.

Once you got them, fill them and proceed towards Netgear WiFi Extender Setup via192.168.1.250 ip. It is the most useful app that easily manages and controls your entire WiFi system and its security. Now, what you need to do with the setup page is keep following all the positive responses until the process ask you to click finish to complete the setup. This all process will take hardly 20-30 minutes of yours, if you follow them patiently and handle them calmly.

Hope we have helped you and answer to all your queries. Do comment Yes or No in the query box given below and suggest, how we can improve our services to serve you in the best way. We are impatiently waiting for your replies.


Hales kinn
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