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How secure is your fintech business?

Stephanie Bond
How secure is your fintech business?

Driven by digital innovation, fintech is rapidly changing the way individuals and businesses perform financial transactions, be it to shop online, pay insurance premiums, evaluate credit scores or pay salaries.

Revolutionising the experience of monetary exchanges globally, fintech is pegged to grow at a CAGR of 72.5% between 2015 and 2020, reaching USD 72 billion, in the Asia-Pacific region alone.

Given that it is literally the industry of money, fintech is an enticing target for cyber-criminals desiring to become rich instantly.

For example, the Lazarus hacks of the SWIFT banking network in 2015 and 2016, leading to millions of dollars lost from several banks, have been remarked as “attacks that might put even the largest banks out of business.”

There is no silver bullet to security

One of the key reasons why a secure environment in fintech is complex to achieve is that the industry itself is heavily segmented and diverse in nature.

read More: https://blog.entersoftsecurity.com/how-secure-is-your-fintech-business

Stephanie Bond
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