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Ep.347: Stop Trading Time For Dollars and Learn About Alternative Investing with Ross Stryker!

Pili Yarusi
Ep.347: Stop Trading Time For Dollars and Learn About Alternative Investing with Ross Stryker!

Ross Stryker is the Founder and CEO of Smart Asset Opportunities.

After 12 years serving in the military and over 20 years running a successful private practice, Ross Stryker realized if he didn’t alter his course he’d be trading hours for dollars forever.

He’s helped raise almost $100 million in total costs and owns 40+ single-family homes, 14 ATM’s, a coffee farm in Panama, apartment complexes, office parks, storage units, and ownership in a Belizean resort.

Ross is living proof that your money is better off of Wall Street, and you can achieve financial freedom.

-What was the moment Ross knew he needed to alter his course and what was the first step he

took to stop trading time for dollars?

Pili Yarusi
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