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Cerebral Palsy is Now Added in Michigan’s MMJ Qualifying Conditions’ List

OnlineMedicalCard - 420 Evaluations
Cerebral Palsy is Now Added in Michigan’s MMJ Qualifying Conditions’ List

According to the Cerebral Palsy Facts and Statistics by https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com, about 764,000 people in the United States including children and adults experience at least one symptom of cerebral palsy.

Although there’s a wide range of medications available for this neurological disorder, medical marijuana can also be an alternative treatment.

The department made this decision after the Medical Marihuana Review Panel made recommendations after receiving citizen comments to add it in the list of medical marijuana qualifying conditions identified in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act.

The new list of MMJ qualifying conditions to obtain 420 med evaluations in Michigan is-

Positive status for Human Immunodeficiency Virus

For more details,Click at https://www.onlinemedicalcard.com/blog/cerebral-palsy-is-now-added-in-michigans-mmj-qualifying-conditions-list/

OnlineMedicalCard - 420 Evaluations
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