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Apple to launch truly wireless earbuds in April

Shivank Mishra
Apple to launch truly wireless earbuds in April

As per reports from the CNET, Apple is all set to launch its truly wireless Powerbeats earbuds next month.

The same H1 chip which is being used in the wireless charging AirPods, will be integrated into Powerbeats as well.

It will also feature the always-on Siri Voice assistant.

Apple first introduced its AirPods in 2016, followed by the BeatsX.

Now Apple is set to launch the Powerbeats which is targeting a market where users are certainly looking for more than the AirPod has to offer.

Buzz around High end EarPods with features like noise cancellation and over ear aesthetics have been going on for quite some time now.

Shivank Mishra
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