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Elon Musk justifies his position against the SEC

Shivank Mishra
Elon Musk justifies his position against the SEC

In another turn of events between the SEO and Elon Musk, Musk has now stated that he in no way violated the settlement agreement.

Earlier Musk was also forced out as the Tesla Chairman and pay a whooping fine of $20 million.

This made way for the settlement in September last year.

In his justification, Musk argues that the settlement allows him the freedom to determine if the tweets would be material or not.

Musk’s team reads the agreement as there is an “obligation on the executive to make an initial, good faith determination as to whether a particular tweet required per-approval”.

To add to the argument, SEC is of the view that Musk is taking too free approach whereas the SEC has way more strict interpretation of the agreement.

Shivank Mishra
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