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Damodar Perforators-A leading name in perforated materials manufacturing

neha verma
Damodar Perforators-A leading name in perforated materials manufacturing

Damodar Perforators is leading manufacturer and suppliers of perforated metal sheets, stainless steel sheet, wire mesh in Delhi that are made up of various materials.

Covering different metals like Brass, Copper, Steel, Lead, bronze, Tinplate, Paper and Plastic, we provide you perforation as deep as you require whether 0.5 mm to 0.75 mm diameter holes and thick sheets as 0.3 mm to 0.12 mm including Mild steel, Stainless steel and Galvanized steel.

We are one of the leading and largest Perforated Sheet manufacturers in Delhi, specialized in round hole, expanded metal, chain link fencing, wire mesh, chicken mesh, square hole, slot hole, rectangular hole and triangle hole manufacturing.

We deal with the kind of sheets including outdoor perforated sheet, stainless steel perforated sheet, screen perforated steel, steel perforated sheet and perforated metal sheets.

Our supreme quality raw material is used in the entire manufacturing process to construct each of the products with superior quality and durability that makes their demand increase in the industry.

Ranging from all the kinds of sheets including outdoor perforated sheet, stainless steel perforated sheet, screen perforated steel, steel perforated sheet and perforated metal sheets, we also manufacture round hole, expanded metal, chain link fencing, wire mesh, chicken mesh, square hole, slot hole, rectangular hole and triangle holes.

neha verma
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