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How does Amazon Make Money?

Ness Naira
How does Amazon Make Money?

General retail:

Amazon buys products from manufacturers directly or from third parties and then sells them at a slight mark up. Note that the keyword there is slight. Items shipped and sold by Amazon itself accounted for roughly 80% of sales.

Third party sellers:

Amazon has decided to makes friends rather than enemies. Amazon signs up merchants for their third-party business and agrees to ship their items faster and cheaper- for a commision of course. Amazon doesn’t reveal how many third-party sellers it has in its marketplace, but some 40% of all goods sold on the site are via third-party sellers, accounting for roughly 12% of Amazon’s total revenue.

Amazon web service:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is Amazon’s cloud business. AWS offers back-end computing for everyone ranging from government agencies to startups.

Media and content:

The company has already moved into the publishing game, and now it’s producing its own TV shows, including “Alpha House” and the newly released “Betas.” There are lots more on the way, too.

Amazon prime:

Amazon Prime is a customer loyalty program that was originally designed to get shoppers to spend more. According to a report by the market research firm Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), as of April 2017, a huge number of people (80 million) in the U.S., had Amazon Prime memberships.

Amazon Kindle family:

The Kindle helps Amazon make money because it tempts users into buying Amazon content and products. Every Kindle Fire comes with a free 30 day Amazon Prime trial. Users get used to awesome 2 day shipping and a host of other perks and end up buying Prime. So, Amazon doesn’t make any money off Kindles directly. But it is the strategy to drive traffic to a prime membership plan. So, Isn’t it great that they just don’t make strategies to make money but they also make strategies to sustain traffic through old ideas?

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This research case study is part of the startup business models series.


How Amazon Business Model works?

Ness Naira
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