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What are the health benefits of camu?

smith nancy
What are the health benefits of camu?

It is a sour berry which is quite similar to cherry in texture and color.Mentioned below are a few health benefits:

High amounts of vitamin C

Camu is enriched with Vitamin C and plays a vital role in the body. They help in strengthening the immune system and in forming collagen. Collagen is a protein that your body needs to support skin, bones, and muscles. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant which protects body cells from radicals. Radicals can be formed due to stress, poor diet and being exposed to the sun for an extended period.

In fighting inflammation

Camu is also useful in fighting inflammation. Inflammation can harm the body and even affect your cells. It can lead to chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmune disease, and heart disease. Ghee is another substitute that can help in relieving inflammation. Ghee contains a type of fatty acid which has been shown to fight inflammation.

It contains powerful antioxidants

Camu is known for its ability to have an impressive antioxidant capacity. It is loaded with Vitamin C and also other compounds like ellagic acid and flavonoid antioxidants.  Antioxidants are used by the body to protect cells from damages caused by free radicals.

Helps in weight reduction

Another benefit of consuming camu is that it helps in weight reduction. They will reduce the weight of your body by enhancing the number of burnt calories. They even assist in altering the gut bacteria and in turn maintain healthy gut bacteria. Healthy gut bacteria play an essential role in metabolism.

It improves cognitive ability

The antioxidant effects of camu which they get from vast amounts of Vitamin C can help in removing the plaque build-up in the cognitive pathway. This can boost cognitive function in younger people.

Dr Bronner's Canada is a one-stop solution for all your problems. They have natural and organic products which are of high quality. Another store for purchasing vitamins and other supplements is vitamin store Victoria.

If you want to know more about these vitamins, then you can click on this website https://www.vitasave.ca/.

smith nancy
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